St Andrew's Church
Your Community, Your Church
Still Good to Eat Community Shop
Open Thursdays
- Open every Thursday morning 10-12
- Providing food still good to eat for all and helping the environment
- A community shop open to all, no referral needed
- We ask for a donation of £3 each week which goes towards our running costs, including mileage for the volunteers who pick up the food from local supermarkets and purchasing essentials that we cannot get donated. No one will be turned away hungry because they can’t make a donation.
- Everyone uses the same bag – you can have one for an extra £3 , or borrow one and transfer shopping to your own bag. By using the same sized for everyone bag we ensure that each client has a fair share
- Our aim is to reduce food waste through redistribution of fresh food
otherwise left unsold and destined for landfill, providing help with the
struggle of the ever rising cost of living. - We are currently looking for volunteers from within the community to help
with the running of the project, for further information please contact Judith,
Chris or Rowland at:
A partnership Between St Andrews Church and Cllr Judith Wilson supported by CC/
DC Peter Beer and the Great Cornard Townlands Charity